Monday, October 3, 2016


But it also has happened because health information has more
ways to reach people than ever before. A century ago, if you wanted
to know anything about medicine, you’d probably have to ask a
doctor or read a textbook. Today, popular books, magazines, television,
radio, and the Internet are loaded with medical advice for everyday people.

All this information can be helpful, but it can also be confusing.
Maybe you heard a medical story on the news that seemed to contradict
something you had heard before. Maybe you got conflicting
advice from two different doctors. Maybe you felt overwhelmed by
all the advertisements for prescription drugs you see on television.
Maybe you’ve heard about an exciting new treatment for a
health problem that affects you or your family, but you can’t figure
out if it’s safe or if it really works.

If these situations sound familiar, you’re not alone. It’s hard work to
go through all the options that are available to help you stay
healthy. The good news is that the options are there—and if you
understand how they came about, you can feel good about weighing
and choosing the options that are best for you.

You’ll find out how we got to this point in history, how scientists
know what they know, and how they look for new information, so
you’ll be able to think like a scientist when approaching your own health.

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