Sunday, October 2, 2016

Our unhealthy lifestyle ( Part 1)

In many ways, life today is much .healthier than it was in the past.But for too many modern
Americans, the advantages of medical technology are outweighed by unhealthy habits
that are all too common in our society.

One of the biggest problems lies in our modern diet. For tens of thousands of years, our human
ancestors lived in conditions where food was scarce and precious.So our bodies have evolved
to extract as much energy as possible from the food we eat, to burn only what’s needed, and to
store the leftovers as fat to protect us from starvation.

Over the past century, however,food has become astonishingly plentiful. Unfortunately, now our
problem is not a lack of food, but too much food, or too much of the wrong kind of food.

Americans today are eating more than ever before. In restaurants and at home, our portion
sizes (the amount of food we eat at one sitting) have gotten larger and larger over the past few
decades. For example, in many fast-food restaurants, what was called a large order of French

fries 30 years ago is the smallest size available today. A typical bagel has grown to about twice
its original size and is smeared with nearly a whole package’s worth of cream cheese. All-youcan-
eat buffets and huge servings at popular restaurant chains have trained us to believe
that when it comes to food, more is always better. (Think of how many times words like “extralarge,”
“jumbo,” “king-size,” and “supersize” pop up on menus and food packages and in advertisements.)
Unfortunately, more food also has more calories—and calories add up fast: If you tack
on just 150 calories to each of your meals (that’s about the number of calories in a 12-ounce
can of soda or half a candy bar), you’ll take in over 164,000 extra calories per year. That’s enough
to put on 47 pounds of fat!

We’re not only eating more than before—we’re also eating worse.
Many popular foods today are highly processed, full of
unhealthy saturated and trans fats, refined sugars and flours,
excess sodium, and countless additives and preservatives.
Fast foods and pre-packaged supermarket foods are the
biggest culprits. These foods are also typically low in vitamins,
nutrients, antioxidants, and

to be continue ........................

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